On top of art, coding in JavaScript has always been another one of my interests. For a quick overview, the ‘Play’ button will open a game in a new tab. To run the game, press ‘Run’ and quickly click on the screen. This is important, because if you do not click on the screen, you won’t be able to use the keys.

Halloween Game

• Arrow keys to move

• Enemies will only reset, never disappear permanently

• More enemies spawn over time

• Additional instructions included in-game



• Arrow keys to move

• Space to shoot

• Infinity Stones provide temporary speed boost and invincibility shield

• Collect all 6 Stones to win

Snake Game

• Arrow keys to change direction

• Collect apples to grow and increase score

• If the Snake travels through screen’s border, it will appear on the opposite edge of the screen

• Colliding with yourself will end the game

• Press ‘p’ to pause the game, and ‘r’ to reset it if you lose



• Click or hold mouse to move upwards

• Avoid green borders

• Collect coins to increase your score

Ping Pong

• 2 player game

• ‘w’ and ‘s’ to move red paddle

• Up and down arrow keys to move blue paddle

• The ball’s speed increases with the first hit

• Gain points by hitting your opponent’s edge of the screen

Kick the Buddy

• All instructions included in-game